Chair of Polymer and Crystal Physics
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Special courses for the students of the chair (2007/2008 years)

3rd year, 6th semester (3 pretests) top

Khokhlov A.R., Philippova O.E. “Introduction to polymer science” (part 1) required, pretest
Philippova O.E. “Vital directions of polymer and crystal physics” required, pretest (special)
Belyaev O.A. Laboratory courses 32 hours

4th year, 7th semester (2 exams, 3 pretests) top

Kiselyova O.I. “Molecular principles of living systems” (part 1) required, pretest
Rambidi N.G. “Molecular structure of polymers” required
Khokhlov A.R., Philippova O.E. “Introduction to polymer science” (part 2) required, exam
Rashkovich L.N., Belyaev O.A. “Introduction to condensed matter physics” required, pretest
  Laboratory courses 108 hours

4th year, 8th semester (3 exams, 3 pretests) top

Khokhlov A.R. “State of the art of polymer and crystal physics” required, pretest (extra)
Rashkovich L.N., Belyaev O.A. “Material crystal physics” required, exam
Yaminsky I.V. “Analitic nanoscopy”  
Ivanov V.A. “Methods of computer simulation in statistical physics”  
Makhaeva E.E. “Basic general chemistry”  
Kramarenko E.Yu., Govorun E.N. “Statistical physics of macromolecules” (part 1)  
Kaznacheev A.V. “Physics of liquid crystals”  
Kiselyova O.I. “Molecular principles of living systems” (part 2) required, exam
Laptinskaya T.V. “Optics of anisotropic media”  
  Laboratory courses 96 hours

5th year, 9th semester (4 exams, 2 pretests) top

Muzafarov A.M. “Molecular nanoobjects”  
Laptinskaya T.V. “Optical methods for polymers exploration”  
Ivanov V.A. “Contemporary Monte-Carlo methods for polymers simulation”  
Gallyamov M.O. “Diffusion in polymer media”  
Kramarenko E.Yu., Govorun E.N. “Statistical physics of macromolecules” (part 2)  
Khokhlov A.R. “State of the art of polymer and crystal physics” required, pretest (extra)
Belyaev O.A. “Quantum theory of solids” (part 1) required, exam
Rambidi N.G. “Physical fundamentals of nanotechnology” required, exam
Obraztsov A.N. “Physics of crystals surface”  
Brilliantov N.V. “Molecular kinetics and nanomechanics”  
Potemkin I.I. “Main theoretical models and methods in polymer physics”  

5th year, 10th semester (2 exams, 2 pretest) top

Khokhlov A.R. “State of the art of polymer and crystal physics” required, pretest (extra)
Potemkin I.I. “Polymers on surfaces”  
Kramarenko E.Yu. “Statistical physics of macromolecules” (part 3)  
Obraztsov A.N. “Functional nanomaterials for modern high technology applications” required, exam
Tamm M.V. “Introduction to the theory of simple liquids and phase transitions”  
Baransky K.N. “Physical acoustics of polymers and crystals” (part 2)  
Loskutov A.Yu. “Introduction to dynamic chaos theory”  
Yaminsky I.V. “Introduction to experimental nanotechnology”  
Kaznacheev A.V. “Physics of liquid crystals”  
Ivanov V.A. “Contemporary Monte-Carlo methods for polymers simulation”