Special courses for the students of the chair (2007/2008 years)
3rd year, 6th semester (3 pretests) 
Khokhlov A.R., Philippova O.E. | “Introduction to polymer science” |
required, pretest |
Philippova O.E. | “Vital directions of polymer and crystal physics” | required, pretest (special) |
Belyaev O.A. | Laboratory courses | 32 hours |
4th year, 7th semester (2 exams, 3 pretests) 
Kiselyova O.I. | “Molecular principles of living systems” |
required, pretest |
Rambidi N.G. | “Molecular structure of polymers” | required |
Khokhlov A.R., Philippova O.E. | “Introduction to polymer science” |
required, exam |
Rashkovich L.N., Belyaev O.A. | “Introduction to condensed matter physics” | required, pretest |
Laboratory courses | 108 hours |
4th year, 8th semester (3 exams, 3 pretests) 
Khokhlov A.R. | “State of the art of polymer and crystal physics” | required, pretest (extra) |
Rashkovich L.N., Belyaev O.A. | “Material crystal physics” | required, exam |
Yaminsky I.V. | “Analitic nanoscopy” | |
Ivanov V.A. | “Methods of computer simulation in statistical physics” | |
Makhaeva E.E. | “Basic general chemistry” | |
Kramarenko E.Yu., Govorun E.N. | “Statistical physics of macromolecules” |
Kaznacheev A.V. | “Physics of liquid crystals” | |
Kiselyova O.I. | “Molecular principles of living systems” |
required, exam |
Laptinskaya T.V. | “Optics of anisotropic media” | |
Laboratory courses | 96 hours |
5th year, 9th semester (4 exams, 2 pretests) 
Muzafarov A.M. | “Molecular nanoobjects” | |
Laptinskaya T.V. | “Optical methods for polymers exploration” | |
Ivanov V.A. | “Contemporary Monte-Carlo methods for polymers simulation” | |
Gallyamov M.O. | “Diffusion in polymer media” | |
Kramarenko E.Yu., Govorun E.N. | “Statistical physics of macromolecules” |
Khokhlov A.R. | “State of the art of polymer and crystal physics” | required, pretest (extra) |
Belyaev O.A. | “Quantum theory of solids” |
required, exam |
Rambidi N.G. | “Physical fundamentals of nanotechnology” | required, exam |
Obraztsov A.N. | “Physics of crystals surface” | |
Brilliantov N.V. | “Molecular kinetics and nanomechanics” | |
Potemkin I.I. | “Main theoretical models and methods in polymer physics” |
5th year, 10th semester (2 exams, 2 pretest) 
Khokhlov A.R. | “State of the art of polymer and crystal physics” | required, pretest (extra) |
Potemkin I.I. | “Polymers on surfaces” | |
Kramarenko E.Yu. | “Statistical physics of macromolecules” |
Obraztsov A.N. | “Functional nanomaterials for modern high technology applications” | required, exam |
Tamm M.V. | “Introduction to the theory of simple liquids and phase transitions” | |
Baransky K.N. | “Physical acoustics of polymers and crystals” |
Loskutov A.Yu. | “Introduction to dynamic chaos theory” | |
Yaminsky I.V. | “Introduction to experimental nanotechnology” | |
Kaznacheev A.V. | “Physics of liquid crystals” | |
Ivanov V.A. | “Contemporary Monte-Carlo methods for polymers simulation” |