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KHOKHLOV, Alexei Removich Full Professor
Head of the chair and laboratory
Born in 1954 in Moscow, Russia
Graduated from Moscow State University in 1977
PhD, Moscow State University, 1979
Doctor of Science, Moscow State University, 1983
Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Sciences, 1990
Member of Russian Academy of Sciences, 2000
Laureate of the Russian National Award 2007
Phone: 7(495)939-1013
E-mail: khokhlov@polly.phys.msu.ru
Research Interests
Polymer science, statistical physics of macromolecules, physical
chemistry of polyelectrolytes and ionomers, microphase separation in
polymer systems, polymer liquid crystals, polyelectrolyte responsive
gels, topological restrictions in polymer systems, dynamics of
concentrated polymer solutions and melts, coil-globule transitions,
associating polymers, computer simulation of polymer systems, biomimetic
polymers, proton-conducting polymer membranes.
List of Publications
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