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A.R. Khokhlov became a laureate of the Russian National Award 2007

photo: Pavel Gerasimov, «Krasnaya zvezda» newspaper

According to the decree of Russian President of 12 May, 2008, No753 A.R. Khokhlov became a laureate of the Russian National Award for since and technology 2007 for fundamental research in the science of polymers.

The awarding ceremony took place in Kremlin on 12 June, 2008. Full information about the ceremony including video materials, photos and speeches is available on the site of the President of Russia. Below some extracts are quoted.

Video materials of the ceremony

Fragments of the video from the ceremony of Russian National Award 2007 on 12 June, 2008 are available: file (39 Mb, 13 minutes, in Russian).
The source of the full material (120 Mb, 45 minutes, in Russian) is the site of the President of Russia.

Awarding ceremony

President of Russia D. Medvedev: “Dear winners!

Dear colleagues and friends!

Let me begin by congratulating you on our national holiday, the Day of Russia, and the national awards winners on this landmark event in their lives.

It is deeply symbolic that it is precisely on this day that the awards ceremony for the most important, most prestigious prizes of Russia takes place, on the day that we are particularly aware of the greatness of our country's historical path and the inextricable link we have with our native land and true home.

June 12 is firmly linked with the values of democracy and freedom. And we are well aware that the free development of our society and the self-realization of our citizens is the best foundation for ensuring that Russia can be a leader in the intellectual and technological spheres, as well as ensuring Russia's high competitiveness based on breakthrough achievements and creative types of development.

I would emphasize that such a massive task can be accomplished only by cultivating human abilities and talents, by increasing the value and prestige of creative and educational activities and, of course, through the mass influx of youth into education, culture and science.

People who have devoted their lives to searching for new ideas in the intellectual and artistic spheres play an enormous role in this process. Their labour, energy and successes inspire young citizens of Russia and stimulate their desire to set more ambitious life goals, think progressively, and act apace with progress. Today this is especially important for our country”.


“A national award has also been awarded to Alexei Removich Khokhlov, one of the world's leading scientists in the field of polymers. He developed a fundamental theory in the field of polymer systems which created a new direction of polymer physics. And this is only one of his multifaceted and fruitful activities. Their results are very much in demand and widely used.

He has contributed to unique durable and bio-compatible plastics and catalysts for production of vitamins, and polymer liquids for oil extraction. I think it is essential that those who have won national awards in science and technology will soon give special public lectures to a wide-ranging Russian public”.


A. Khokhlov: “Dear Dmitry Anatolievich!

Ladies and gentlemen!

Thank you for the high appreciation of my work, this is a great honour for me. I would like to emphasize that in the success of any scientist it is always a great contribution of his teachers.

First I would like to thank my lucky stars as I was born in the family with rich scientific traditions. I am grateful to everybody who taught me in the 70s at the Faculty of Physics of the Moscow State University and before that in Moscow phisico-mathematical school number 2. Now I realize that I then obtained the best education that one could obtain. I am grateful to academician Ilya Mikhailovich Lifshitz who was my teacher in science and to all outstanding scientists with whom I had chance to work who educated me a lot.

The center of gravity in the awarded research works was performed in the 90s. For my colleagues and for me it was the rising time notwithstanding complicated external circumstances. I am proud that we had sense of responsibility and love to our country to develop the scientific studies in Russia. We certainly used all possibilities which gave the international acknowledgment of our work, but did it mainly in Russia.

Moreover I am grateful to the colleagues from the Moscow State University, to the rector Viktor Antonovich Sadovnichy for the creation of the unique atmosphere in the university at that time, where one could think of progress not only survival.

I am glad that my efforts to save and develop the scientific school were not in vain. Now science is esteemed by society and supported by state. I am sure that with this support young scientists educated during this period will be able to maintain and increase the high prestige of Russian science”.


D. Medvedev: “Dear friends! Dear award winners!

Allow me to congratulate you once again on the achievements of our country, of our homeland. A few minutes ago Alexei Removich Khokhlov talked about the need to encourage young people, those who are just taking their first steps in our science.

I would like to inform you that as of next year special prizes for young people who have achieved specific successes in science and innovation will be awarded on the Day of Russian Science. I think that this is very important and significant for Russia, especially in today's world.

Once again, dear friends, I congratulate you on the Day of Russia”.
source: site of the President of Russia

Public lecture

On 20 June, 2008 at 10 a.m. A.R. Khokhlov as a laureate of the Russian National Award 2007 gave a talk on “Smart polymers”. The lecture took place in the Central physical lecture hall named after R.V. Khokhlov in the Physical Faculty of Moscow State University.

Interview with A.R. Khokhlov, the laureate of the Russian National Award.