Кафедра физики полимеров и кристаллов
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Исследования в области физики твердости и пластичности кристаллов

This scientific direction at the Chair was initiated by A.V.Shubnikov: the first course in the theory of dislocations in crystals was delivered in 1956 by V.R.Regel, the senior researcher of the Moscow Institute of Crystallography. From 1960 till 1974 this direction was headed by the senior lecturer A.A.Predvoditelev who made the outstanding contribution in the electron microscopy research and the theory of elementary mechanisms of motion, reproduction and interaction of dislocation ensembles and in computer simulation of such processes in crystals. Later on the result of these investigations were reflected in the textbook [1].


  1. A.A.Predvoditelev, N.A.Tyapunina, G.M.Zinenkova and G.V.Bushueva. Physics of Crystals with Imperfections - Moscow: Published by Moscow University, 1986