Кафедра физики полимеров и кристаллов
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Исследования в области физики пиро-, пьезо-, и ферроэлектриков

Research in this field resulted in the discovery of several hundreds of new crystalline piezoelectric and several dozens of new pyroelectric substances and in the establishment of the symmetry and crystal chemistry criterion of the manifestation of these properties in crystals [1]. The research at the Chair led to the discovery of the ferroelectric behavior of the proustite, stibiotantalbite and KTiOPO4 , which are representatives of new structural types. The first incommensurately modulated phases among ferroelectrics, (NH4)2BeF4 and K2Fe(CN)4 \mathaccent "705F 3H2O, were obtained, as well as the specific anomalous ferroelectric behavior of some liquid crystals. The results of complex investigations of the anomalous temperature behavior of the above- mentioned and some other crystals during phase transitions and their theoretical description within the framework of the Landau theory of phase transitions were summarized in [2-4].


  1. V.A.Koptsik and I.S.Res. On the one-hundred anniversary of the Pierre Curie Principle. Usp. Fiz. Nauk (Soviet Physics - Uspekhi, 1984, vol. )
  2. B.A.Strukov and A.P. Levanuk. Physical Basis of Ferroelectric Phenomena in Crystals. - Moscow: Nauka, 1983 (Second Edition, 1995)
  3. V.K.Novik, N.D.Gavrilova and N.B.Feldman. Pure Electric Transformator Devices.- Moscow: Soviet Radio, 1979, p. 172
  4. N.D.Gavrilova, M.N.Danilycheva and V.K.Novik. Piroelectricity.- Moscow: Znanie, 1989, p.62