Home :: Personnel :: Yaminsky
YAMINSKY, Igor Vladimirovich |
Full Professor (MSU) |
Leading Research Associate (INEOS) |
Born in 1954 in Moscow, Russia | Graduated from the Moscow State University, 1978 | PhD, Moscow State University, 1985 | Doctor of Sciences, Institute of Chemical Physics of Russian Academy of Science, 1997 | Phone: 7(495)939-1009 | Fax: 7(495)939-2988 | E-mail: yaminsky@nanoscopy.org | |
Type of Research: experiment |
Research Interests: |
Atomic-force and scanning tunneling microscopy of polymer materials and biopolymers, physics and chemistry of low- dimensional systems, surface forces and adhesion in microsystems, tunneling phenomena in bio- and polymer systems, development of nanotechnology methods for biological and medical applications, scanning probe microscopy instrumentation. |
Scientific Report |
List of Publications Site of the group |