Кафедра физики полимеров и кристаллов
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YAMINSKY, Igor Vladimirovich
Full Professor (MSU)
Leading Research Associate (INEOS)
Born in 1954 in Moscow, Russia
Graduated from the Moscow State University, 1978
PhD, Moscow State University, 1985
Doctor of Sciences, Institute of Chemical Physics of Russian Academy of Science, 1997
Phone: 7(495)939-1009
Fax: 7(495)939-2988
E-mail: yaminsky@nanoscopy.org
Type of Research: experiment
Research Interests:
Atomic-force and scanning tunneling microscopy of polymer materials and biopolymers, physics and chemistry of low- dimensional systems, surface forces and adhesion in microsystems, tunneling phenomena in bio- and polymer systems, development of nanotechnology methods for biological and medical applications, scanning probe microscopy instrumentation.
Scientific Report
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