Ushakova Alexandra
I am Sasa
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I am a student of 4-th year of Moscow State University
Chair of Physics of Polymers and Crystals
I am 21 years old. I was born in Moscow 14.01.1983.In 2000 - has left school №1534 with the profound studying mathematics.
Since 09.2000 - the student of physical department of Moscow State University.
Scientific Interest:
Polymer physics, statistical physics of macromolecules. Coil-globule transitions in copolymers. polymorphizm of amphiphilic polymers, emulsions.Tipe of reserch:Theory.
I am married, my husband is Ushakov Anton. We have son Fedia 11 month old.
Mountain ski, swimming, water polo. Mountain and water tourism.
Contact information:

Semester work

Surface tention of amphiphilic polymer globules.
My supervisor is Govorun E. N.
PhD of Physics & Mathematics.
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