Список ключевых научных публикаций
А. В. Емельяненко
- 1. A. V. Emelyanenko and M. A. Osipov,
Influence of dimerization on the
nematic-isotropic phase transition in strongly polar liquid crystals.
Liquid Crystals. 26(2), 187 (1999).
- 2. А. В. Емельяненко, М. А. Осипов,
Переход из нематической фазы в
изотропную в полярных жидких кристаллах. I. Статистическая теория.
Кристаллография. 45(3), 549 (2000).
- 3. А. В. Емельяненко, М. А. Осипов,
Переход из нематической фазы в
изотропную в полярных жидких кристаллах. II. Роль дисперсионного
Кристаллография. 45(3), 558 (2000).
- 4. A. V. Emelyanenko, M. A. Osipov, and D. A. Dunmur,
Molecular theory of
helical sense inversions in chiral nematic liquid crystals.
Physical Review E 62(2), 2340 (2000).
- 5. A. V. Emelyanenko,
Analytical description for the chiral nematic state in terms of
molecular parameters.
Physical Review E 67(3), 031704 (2003).
- 6. A. V. Emelyanenko and M. A. Osipov,
Theoretical model for the discrete flexoelectric effect and
a description for the sequence of intermediate smectic phases
with increasing periodicity.
Physical Review E 68(5), 051703 (2003).
- 7. A. V. Emelyanenko and M. A. Osipov,
Origin of spontaneous polarization, tilt, and chiral structure of
smectic liquid-crystal phases composed of bent-core molecules:
A molecular model.
Physical Review E 70(2), 021704 (2004).
- 8. A. V. Emelyanenko and M. A. Osipov,
Theoretical Studies of the Structure of Intermediate Chiral Smectic Phases with Increasing Periodicity.
Ferroelectrics 309, 13 (2004).
- 9. N. M. Shtykov, A. D. L. Chandani, A. V. Emelyanenko, Atsuo Fukuda, and J. K. Vij,
Two kinds of smectic-C_alpha^* subphases in a liquid crystal and their relative stability dependent on the enantiomeric excess as elucidated by electric-field-induced birefringence experiment.
Physical Review E 71(2), 021711 (2005).
- 10. A. D. L. Chandani, N. M. Shtykov, V. P. Panov, A. V. Emelyanenko, Atsuo Fukuda, and J. K. Vij,
Discrete flexoelectric polarizations and biaxial subphases with periodicities other than three and four layers in chiral smectic liquid crystals frustrated between ferroelectricity and antiferroelectricity.
Physical Review E 72(4), 041705 (2005).
- 11. A. V. Emelyanenko, Atsuo Fukuda, and J. K. Vij,
Theory of the intermediate tilted smectic phases and
their helical rotation.
Physical Review E 74(1), 011705 (2006).
- 12. J. -K. Song, A. D. L. Chandani, A. Fukuda, J. K. Vij, I. Kobayashi, and A. V. Emelyanenko,
Temperature-induced sign reversal of biaxiality observed by
conoscopy in some ferroelectric Sm-C* liquid crystals.
Physical Review E 76(1), 011709 (2007).
- 13. A. V. Emelyanenko, E. P. Pozhidaev, N. M. Shtykov, and V. E. Molkin,
Antiferroelectric and ferrielectric liquid crystal display: electrically controlled
birefringence color switch as a new mode.
Journal of the Society for Information Display 16(8), 811 (2008).
- 14. А.В.Емельяненко,
Сложные смектические фазы: пороговые явления и перспективы их использования.
Доклады Академии Наук 423, 178 (2008).
- 15. А.В.Емельяненко,
Единая теория фазовых переходов в жидких кристаллах.
Доклады Академии Наук 423, 328 (2008).
- 16. А.В. Емельяненко,
Методика расчёта констант упругости наклонного смектика.
Вестник ЮУрГУ, «Математика. Физика. Химия» 11(22), 38 (2008).
- 17. А.В. Емельяненко,
Теория перехода из нематического состояния в смектическое.
Вестник ЮУрГУ, «Математика. Физика. Химия» 11(22), 43 (2008).
- 18. A. V. Emelyanenko,
Investigation of frustration between ferroelectricity and antiferroelectricity in smectics.
Moscow University Physics Bulletin 6, 29 (2008).
- 19. A. V. Emelyanenko,
Influence of the electric field on frustration between ferroelectricity and antiferroelectricity in smectics.
Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1, 64 (2009).
- 20. A. V. Emelyanenko,
Molecular-ststistical approach to a behaviour of ferroelectric, antiferroelectric and ferrielectric smectic phases in the electric field.
Eur. Phys. J. E 28, 441 (2009).
- 21. K.L. Sandhya, Atsuo Fukuda, J.K. Vij, and A.V. Emelyanenko,
Degeneracy lifting near the frustration points due to long-range interlayer interaction forces and the resulting varieties of polar chiral tilted smectic phases.
Liquid Crystals 36, 1101 (2009).
- 22. A.V. Emelyanenko,
Theory for the evolution of ferroelectric, antiferroelectric, and ferrielectric smectic phases in the electric field.
Physical Review E 82, 031710 (2010).
- 23. S. Aya, Yu. Sasaki, F. Araoka, K. Ema, K. Ishikawa, A.V. Emelyanenko, and H. Takezoe,
Observation of two isotropic-nematic phase transitions near a surface.
Physical Review Letters 106, 117801 (2011).
- 24. A.V. Emelyanenko, S. Aya, Yu. Sasaki, F. Araoka, K. Ema,
K. Ishikawa, and H. Takezoe,
Two transitions between isotropic and nematic phases in confined liquid crystals.
Physical Review E 84, 041701 (2011).
- 25. Chih-Chieh Chien, Jui-Hsiang Liu, and A.V. Emelyanenko,
Fabrication and characterization of imprinted photonic crystalline polymer matrices via multiple UV polymerizations.
J. Mater. Chem. 22, 22446 (2012).
- 26. K.L. Sandhya, A.D.L. Chandani, A. Fukuda, J.K. Vij, A.V. Emelyanenko, and K. Ishikawa,
Degeneracy lifting due to thermal fluctuations around the frustration point between anticlinic antiferroelectric SmCA* and synclinic ferroelectric SmC*.
Physical Review E 87, 012502 (2013).
- 27. A.V. Emelyanenko and K. Ishikawa,
Smooth transitions between biaxial intermediate
smectic phases.
Soft Matter 9, 3497 (2013).
- 28. N.V. Kalinin, A.V. Emelyanenko, L.A. Nosikova, Z.A. Kudryashova, and J.-H. Liu,
Recombination of dimers as a mechanism for the formation of several nematic phases.
Physical Review E 87, 062502 (2013).
- 29. V.Yu. Rudyak, A.V. Emelyanenko, and V.A. Loiko,
Structure transitions in oblate nematic droplets.
Physical Review E 88, 052501 (2013).
- 30. A.V. Emelyanenko and A.R. Khokhlov,
Simple theory of transitions between smectic, nematic, and isotropic phases.
J. Chem. Phys. 142, 204905 (2015).
- 31. V.Yu. Rudyak and A.V. Emelyanenko,
Orientational ordering of Janus colloids in cholesteric liquid crystals.
Soft Matter 11, 7237 (2015).