Home :: Seminar in Polymer Physics :: 2000 Русская версия

Seminar in Polymer Physics - 2000

327. December 19:
V.L.Bodneva, I.P.Borodin, T.N.Khazanovich
Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics RAS,
Kostroma Technological University.
"Slow dynamic equations for flexible polymers in dilute solutions"

326. December 5:
Dr. N.A. Kasyanenko (St.Petersburg University)
"DNA Conformation during the Interaction with Cationic Biologically Active Compounds in a Solution".

325. September 13:
Nanostructures of olefine molecules as studied via atomic force microscopy (the study is carried out in Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology).

324. September 6:
A.A.Polotsky (Institute of High-Molecular Compounds, Saint-Petersburg).
Theory of supercrystalline structures in mixtures of triblock- and diblock copolymers

323. September 1:
V.V.Shilov, Kiev Institute of Chemistry of High-Molecular Compounds (Ukraine).
Polymer Electrolytes

322. June 15:
A.Yu.Grosberg (Minnesota University, USA).
Adsorption of multivalent ions on charged surfaces.

321. April 11:
Rashkovich L.N., Shustin O.A., Chernevich T.G. (MSU).
Fluctuation effects in dynamics of the steps motion under crystallization in solution.

320. March 28:
S.I. Zaitsev, V.V Sirotkin, A.A. Svintsov, M. V. Chukalina (Institute of Microelectronics Technology, RAS, Chernogolovka, Moscow district 142432, Russia)
Nanoscale deformation and viscous flow of polymer layer in imprinting technology

319. March 21:
Syunyaev R.Z. (Russian state petroleum and gas university).
Macromolecular organization and phisico-chemical properties of oleodisperse (petroleum) systems (continuation).

318. March 9:
Syunyaev R.Z. (Russian state petroleum and gas university)
Macrmolecular organization and phisico-chemical properties of oleodisperse (petroleum) systems.

317. March 7:
Zaitsev V.B., Pestova S.A., Plotnikov G.S. (Moscow State University)
Investigation of structural rearrangements in thin organic films using molecular probes.

316. March 3:
Ramensky V.E., Makeev V.Ju., Roytberg M.A., and Tumanyan V.G.
"Segmentation of DNA sequences into regions with different average nucleotide composition"

315. January 27:
A.Subbotin (Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis RAS)
"Elasticity of comblike copolymers (bottlebrushes)"

Home :: Seminar in Polymer Physics :: 2000 Русская версия