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NIKITIN, Lev Nikolaevich |
Leading Research Associate (INEOS) |
Born in 1955 in Moscow, Russia | Graduated from the Moscow Engineering-Physical Institute, 1978 | PhD, Nesmeyanov Institute of Organoelement Compounds, 1988 | Doctor of Sciences, Moscow State University, 2003 | Senior Research Associate, 1991 | Phone: 7(499)135-0522, 7(499)783-9496 | Fax: 7(499)135-5085 | E-mail: lnik@ineos.ac.ru | |
Type of Research: experiment |
Research Interests: |
Synthesis and modification of the polymers assisted by supercritical medium, ultraviolet and laser irradiation and investigation of the morphology and properties of second polymeric and composite structures. |
Scientific Report |
List of Publications Detailed CV |