Home :: Personnel :: Vasilevskaya
VASILEVSKAYA, Valentina Vladimirovna |
Leading Research Associate (INEOS) |
Born in 1961 in Primorskii krai, Russia | Graduated from the Moscow State University, 1985 | PhD, Moscow State University, 1988 | Doctor of Sciences, Moscow State University, 2001 | Full Professor, 2011 | Phone: 7(499)783-3273 | Fax: 7(499)135-5085 | E-mail: vvvas@polly.phys.msu.ru | |
Type of Research: theory, computer simulation |
Research Interests: |
Statistical physics of macromolecules, computer simulation of polymer systems, physical chemistry of polyelectrolytes, polymers with strongly associating groups, DNA conformational transitions and stucture of DNA globule, swelling behavior of polymer networks, coil-globule transition, polymer systems in critical solvent, polymer blends near the glass transition point. |
Scientific Report |
List of Publications Site of the group |