Кафедра физики полимеров и кристаллов
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KHALATUR, Pavel Gennadievich
Leading Research Associate (INEOS)
Born in 1950 in Luga (Leningrad Region)
Graduated from the Moscow State University, 1972
PhD, Tver State University, 1977
Doctor of Sciences, Institute of Macromolecular Compounds of the Academy of Science of the USSR, Leningrad, 1988
Phone: 7(499)783-3273
Fax: 7(499)135-5085
E-mail: khalatur@polly.phys.msu.ru
Type of Research: computer simulation
Research Interests:
Polymer physics, computer simulations of polymer systems, surface properties of polymer systems, microheterogeneities in polymer systems, polymer liquid crystals, dynamics of condensed polymer systems, coil-globule transitions, polymers with strongly associative groups, polymeric networks, liquid state theory, molecular liquids and solutions.
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