Home :: Personnel :: Lazutin
LAZUTIN, Alexei Alexandrovich |
Senior Research Associate (INEOS) |
Born in 1977 in Moscow, Russia | Graduated from the Moscow State University, 2001 | PhD, Moscow State University, 2004 | Phone: 7(499)783-3273 | Fax: 7(495)135-5085 | E-mail: lazutin@polly.phys.msu.ru | |
Type of Research: computer simulation |
Research Interests: |
Statistical physics of macromolecules, computer simulations of polymer systems, coarse-grain simulation, atomistic simulation, multiscale modelling, copolymers, polymer brushes, polymer networks, polyelectrolytes, conformation-dependent sequence design, hypercrosslinked networks, self-organization. |
List of Publications |