Home :: Personnel :: Vyshivannaya
VYSHIVANNAYA, Oxana Valentinovna |
Senior Research Associate (MSU) |
Research Associate (INEOS) |
Born in 1985 in Glazov, Russia | Graduated from the Moscow State University, 2009 | PhD, Moscow State University, 2012 | Phone: 7(499)135-8119, 7(499)135-9248 | Fax: 7(499)135-5085 | E-mail: vyshivannaya@polly.phys.msu.ru | |
Type of Research: experiment |
Research Interests: |
Dynamic and static light scattering, dendrimers, porphyrins, polymer gels, semi-IPNs, thermoresponsive polymers, “smart” materials, polyelectrolyte complexes. |
List of Publications Detailed CV |