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AEROV, Artem Anatolievich
Research Associate
(up to 2013)
Born in 1982 in Moscow, Russia
Graduated from the Moscow State University, 2005
PhD, Moscow State University, 2008
Phone: 7(495)939-4013; 7(910)460-7970
Fax: 7(495)939-2988
E-mail: aerov@polly.phys.msu.ru
Type of Research: theory
Research Interests:
Porous polyelectrolyte gels; reaction in emulsion; polyelectrolyte multilayers; interpenetrating networks of polymer and carbon nanotubes; the bucky gel initiator; microgels; ionic liquids and electrolytes; phase equilibria of mixtures comprising ionic liquids; phase boundaries; microphase separation; supercapacitors; the Water Bridge phenomenon; electrospinning; self-diffusion of liquid in a force field.
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