Home :: History of Research :: Scientific Projects
Scientific Projects
Russian Foundation for Basic Research
Adaptive double networks (Project 19-53-15012, director: Prof. O.E.Philippova)
Microstructures in solution and thin films of associating
polyelectrolytes (Project 01-03-32672, director: Prof. A.R .Khokhlov)
Selforganization of hydrophobically modified polyelectrolytes
in aqueous solution and on interphase boundary
(Project 02-03-33259, director: Prof. O.E. Philippova)
Nanostructures in solutions of associating comb copolymer: theory and
experimental investigation
(Project 02-03-33213, director: Dr. V.V. Vasilevskaya (INEOS RAS))
Nanostructure formation during adsorption of copolymers:
theory and computer simulation (Project 00-03-33107,
director: Dr. E.Yu.Kramarenko)
Polymeric hydrogels with controlled morphology and swelling
(Project 00-03-33108, director: Dr. E.E. Makhaeva)
Synthesis of condensation polymers in supercritical carbon
dioxide (Project 02-03-32089, director: Dr. E.E. Said-Galiyev (INEOS RAS))
Scanning probe microscopy of polymeric molecules and their complexes
with surfactants in supercritical carbon dioxide
(Project 01-03-32766, director: Dr. M.O. Gallyamov)
NATO Science for Peace Programme
INTAS Programme
Project 00-243
Polymeric nanomaterials: conventional and intelligent gels involving
physical networks of polyelectrolyte polysaccharides and their interactions
with surfactants, proteins and organic molecules
Project 00-445
Architectures of molecular rods in a polymer network
Project 00-500
New Approaches to the Studies of Associating Ionic Polysaccharides in
Solution and at Interface
Project 00-57
New Generation of Smart Polymers and Polymeric Materials for Biotechnology
Project 01-0172
Dynamic processes in amorphous glassy polymers and their effect on gas
transport: theoretical, experimental and simulation studies
Project 01-607
Sequence design of bioinspired copolymers with functionality on the
nano-metre scale
Home :: History of Research :: Scientific Projects