Home :: History of Research :: Introduction
The beginning of research in crystal physics at Moscow State
University is associated with the names of the
Academician V.I.Vernadsky and the Corresponding Member of the
Academy Yu.V.Wulff who worked there at the turn of the century [1,2].
The Academician A.V.Shubnikov (1887-1970) was their brilliant student
and follower. Having graduated from the University in 1913 he
returned to the Physics department of his Alma Mater in 1953 to
found there a new Chair of crystal physics, the first chair of
such kind in the universities of the world. At that time A.V.Shubnikov
was the director of the famous Institute of Crystallography, the
recognized head of the scientific school in crystallography and
crystal physics in Russia, the author of the basic works in this
field [3-4]. The characteristic feature of Shubnikov's scientific
school was abroad complex approach to the whole spectrum of physical
properties of crystals as dependent on their macro- and microsymmetry,
atomic structure and composition, conditions of crystal growth and
structural imperfections. A.V.Shubnikov was the head of the Chair
till 1968. The first academic plan (consisting of the courses in
symmetry theory, crystal growth, crystal optics and crystal physics)
and the scientific structure of the Chair (consisting of the
laboratories of crystal growth and optical, electrical and mechanical
properties of crystals) were established by him. After A.V.Shubnikov
the Chair was headed by his disciple Prof. B.A.Koptsik (in 1968-1974),
Prof. I.A.Yakovlev (in 1974-1989) and Prof. S.P.Chudinov
(in 1989 - 1993). During forty years (1953-1993) some structural
transformations enriched the chairs body and staff: the phase transition
laboratory headed by Prof. V.K.Semenchenko joined the Chair in 1954;
the problem laboratory of crystal growth for electrooptic and
radioelectronic applications was set up in 1963; the optical
spectroscopy and crystal acoustic group headed by Prof. I.A.Yakovlev
joined the Chair in 1974. In 1994 the polymer physics laboratory headed
by the Corresponding Member of the Academy A.R.Khokhlov joined the Chair
and gave to it its present name the Chair of Polymer and Crystal physics.
Prof. A.R.Khokhlov became the head of the renewed Chair and a new stage
in its history has begun. During the period of 1953-1993 more than 350
students and 70 Ph D students graduated from the Chair. Afterwards, more
than 140 of them received their Candidate degrees ( Ph D ) and 17 - the
Doctor of Science degrees. The following section gives a brief outline
of the main academic and research achievements of the Crystal Physics
Chair in five directions (more detailed information may be found in [8, 9]).
- V.I.Vernadsky. Lecture in Crystal Physics. In: Selected Works. Crystallography. - Moscow: Nauka, 1988, pp. 66-181 (in Russian)
- G.V.Wulff. Selected Works on Crystal Physics and Crystallography - Moscow-Leningrad: Gosteorizdat, 1952, p. 320 (in Russian)
- A.V.Shubnikov, E.E.Flint and G.B.Bokii. Foundations of Crystallography - Moscow-Leningrad: Published by Acad. Sci. of USSR, 1940, p.420 (in Russian)
- A.V.Shubnikov. Symmetry and Antisymmetry of Finite Figures. - Moscow: Published by Acad. Sci. of USSR, 1951, p.172.
- A.V.Shubnikov et al. Piezoelectric Textures - Moscow. 1947
- A.V.Shubnikov. Principals of Optical Crystallography - Consultants Bureau. 1960 (Russian Original: Moscow: Published by Acad. Sci. of USSR, 1958, p.300)
- A.V.Shubnikov. Selected Works on Crystallography. - Moscow: Nauka, 1975
- V.A.Koptsik. History of Research in Crystal Physics at the Chair of Crystal Physics of Moscow State University in 1953-1993. - In: History and Methodology of Natural Sciences. Physics. - Moscow: Published by Moscow University, 1968. Issue 6, pp. 158-171; ibid. 1982, issue (?),pp.
- V.A.Koptsik. Aleksei Vasilyevich Shubnikov (on the 100th birthday). Editorial Board Paper. Soviet Crystallography, 1987, vol. 32, pp. 535-539
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