Please send your abstract to Julia Martemyanova before May 20, 2010 !!!
Please send us only a PDF-file with your abstract.
Maximum length is 1 page in A4 size (portrait orientation).
Single spacing should be used.
Margins should be 2 cm from each side.
Please use Times New Roman font type 12 point size everywhere except the title.
The title should appear in bold case and font size 14 point at the top of the abstract.
Author(s) first name is to appear before the surname for each author.
Please list the name of the presenting author first.
Omit degrees and titles (Dr, Prof etc).
Author affiliations should include Name of institution, City, State and Country of origin: do not include street address.
Website and email may be included at the end of each address.
Use superscripts to identify different organizations.
Abbreviations must be spelt out in full at the first mention followed by the abbreviation in parentheses.
Do not use subtitles or sections e.g. Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusions.